While the CIF Playoff Bulletin explains that teams over .500 have priority, with regard to At-Large bids, we all know this is not a had and fast rule. As such, in our Week 9 projection, At-Large bids were awarded to teams with records under .500, at 4-5.
The reason we did this was simple. Some of these teams will be 5-5 next week, and thus eligible. Some will end up as AQ teams, depending on what happens in their respective league. As a result, to try and garner a more accurate sample, we included eight (8) 4-5 teams in the projection, as well as a 4-6 team, in Chino Hills (Baseline).
At the end of this addendum, we also included all 4-5 teams (and one 4-4 team) that fell within range of Divisions 9 through 11 to match distribution of bids, as Patriot (River Valley), the final at-large included in the projection, fell into Division 11.
While the actual teams may not be entirely accurate, based on Week 10 results, we do believe the number of teams will wind up being fairly close, with 8-12 ending up in the field, either as AQ or At-Large teams, giving us an idea of how the divisions would break out. To account for margin of error, we also Included the next five teams currently with CalPreps ratings, just outside of the Division 11 range.
Capo Valley - South Coast
Fountain Valley - Sunset
Foothill - Crestview
Oxnard - Channel
Hesperia - Mojave River
Royal - Canyon
Peninsula - Bay
Alta Loma - Mountain West
Riverside Poly - Sunbelt
Shadow Hills - Desert Empire
Chaffey* (4-4) - San Antonio
Compton - Moore
South Torrance - Pioneer
San Marcos - Channel
Irvine - Pacific Hills
Dominguez - Gateway
Fullerton - Freeway
Rancho Christian - Inland Valley
California - Del Rio
Lancaster - Golden