Etiwanda (Baseline)
Bishop Diego (Camino)
Apple Valley (Mojave River)
Loyola (Angelus)
Chaminade (At-Large)
Downey (San Gabriel)
Foothill (At-Large)
Saugus (Foothill)
Glendora (Citrus 4)
Rancho Cucamonga (At-Large)
Ayala (Baseline)
West Ranch (Foothill)
LB Poly (Moore)
Roosevelt (Big VIII)
Upland (Baseline)
Lawndale (Pioneer)
Some solid pairings in this bracket, starting with that Loyola-Long Beach Poly projection, that we’re trying to will into existence. Chaminade vs. West Ranch could be a good gate in The Valley, while 3/14 match between Apple Valley and Roosevelt would showcase teams from the IE and Desert Region.